Elsevier’s CiteScore metrics provide comprehensive, transparent, current insights into journal impact

Impact plays an important part in understanding the performance of a journal over time and making decisions about its future. It is impossible to get a true picture of impact using a single metric alone, so a basket of metrics is needed to support informed decisions.
Today Elsevier is launching CiteScore metrics: a new standard that gives a more comprehensive, transparent and current view of a journal’s impact that will help you guide your journal more effectively in the future.
CiteScore metrics are part of the Scopus basket of journal metrics that includes SNIP (Source Normalized Impact per Paper), SJR (SCImago Journal Rank), citation- and document- counts and percentage cited. The integration of these metrics into Scopus provides insights into the citation impact of more than 22,220 titles.
CiteScore metrics from Scopus is a comprehensive, current and free metrics for serial titles in Scopus.


Search or filter below to find the sources of interest and see the new metrics. Report using these annual metrics and track the 2016 metrics via the links to each title’s Scopus source details page.

Be sure to use qualitative as well as the below quantitative inputs when presenting your research impact, and always use more than one metric for the quantitative part.
Use from now CiteScore metrics online:
